Theatre and cultural heritage could be an important source of income both for countries in Europe and in Africa. African countries have an enormous wealth of cultural heritage and modern cultural creation that frequently cannot make known outside the continent. With the covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown, the digital technologies were increasingly used in order to broadcast cultural performances all over the world and reach new audiences. This would increase significantly employment in the sector at the local level. But also, at the local level, academic studies have proved that theatre (especially in Africa but in Europe as well) can become an important source of employment.
However, in order to be able to produce sustainable quality cultural performances that could reach an audience outside their country, it is necessary to have a quality training for various theatre professions. While for the actors there are many centers or schools that provide training to them, for the other professionals, the possibilities for specialization in the field of theatre and professional development are almost non-existent. These professions include light designers, sound designers, experts related with on demand and live streaming broadcasting, video art technicians, stage and costume designers, makeup artists. These professions both in Africa and in the European countries that participate in the consortium are specialised in a field that is not related with theatre and do not receive any training in relation with the specificities of the theatre sector.